Sunday Services Livestreamed at 9:00 AM
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Welcome in the Precious Name of
Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ!

If you are a visitor to our area, if you've recently moved here, or even if you are a long time resident, we would like to invite you to join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for the Divine Service and Bible Study. In God's Word and worship is where He has promised to be truly present among His people to bestow on us His very life and salvation! You are always welcome to join us – and we would be delighted to meet you. Please introduce yourself and tell us that you found us on our website!

Our Parish is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. As such we believe steadfastly that the Holy Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired, inerrant Word of God – the sole Rule and Norm for the Christian faith, and the only True Foundation for a proper relationship with the Living God through the life and merit of His Son, Jesus Christ – the only Savior of the fallen sinners, and the only Hope for mankind. We also hold the Book of Concord of 1580 to be a true exposition of God's Word, and the standard against which all teachings of the Church are to be measured. If you have any questions about specific areas, please don't hesitate to contact Pastor Newman by clicking on the e-mail link to the right.

If you would like to know more about what we believe, teach and confess, you can find more detailed information in the links above marked "Beliefs." Between that link, the Affiliate links to the right, and the Book of Concord website you should be able to find out just about anything you'd like to know about our congregation and the Orthodox Lutheran faith.

Every age has dealt with a piercing theological question. Today's question, it has been suggested, is 'where in the world is God?' Perhaps the complexities of modern living drive us to such a question, or perhaps it's a result of recent disasters or threats of diseases. World events and personal struggles are often very difficult to reconcile with the love and mercy of God. 'Where in the world is God?' we ask. And while the Christian faith has the answer to that question, that answer is often dismissed because of its simplicity. God has revealed Himself to the world in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ – and in His Cross. He continually reveals Himself, that is, continually gives of Himself in the preaching of His Word, in the water of Holy Baptism and in the Bread and Wine of Holy Communion. Where these are present, Christ Jesus is present, and He is being delivered unto the saints. His gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation, earned on that cursed Cross are offered to you today in His Church through the lowly means of words, water, bread and wine. It is therefore our solemn mission as a congregation to 'Deliver Christ Crucified,' that is, to preach the Word, and to administer the Sacraments of Christ Jesus so that His presence may be known even in a world marked by such perplexing questions.

Regarding forms of worship, we hold that the Divine Service is central to who we are as Lutheran Christians, and we strive, by the mercies of almighty God to give thanks to Him in all purity and truth by exclusive use of the historical Liturgical  forms which have been passed down to us from the time of the Early Church right up to the present day. We do not use, nor do we find to be edifying, much of what passes for worship in many Churches today. You will not find a "praise band" in our Chancel, nor will you be led in singing by a "praise team." What you will find is reverent worship conducted in much the same way as it was conducted in the infancy of the Church - and most certainly at the time of the Reformation. By these worship forms our desire is to faithfully pass on to those who follow in our footsteps that same faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints.

Please take some time to browse through the pages of our Website. Read what you like, download any documents you might want to keep for yourself – or share with someone else. It is our prayer that what you find here will bless you richly with a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, and that you will return often to read and be edified by what you find here.

May God graciously and richly grant you all that you need to sustain you, body and soul unto eternal life, as through the life of Jesus our Lord bestows on you His grace and favor in never ending supply.

Soli Deo Gloria!